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Public Speaking  FAQ

What kind of public speaking do you do?

My talk can be tailored to the age and demographic of each audience to have the greatest impact. I speak at schools, businesses, community organizations, conferences, and meetings. My public speaking approach is casual and relational. For paid speaking engagements, I typically speak for 55-60 minutes, sharing my experience, strength, and hope, leaving 15-30 minutes for questions and discussion. I also make myself available for 1:1 conversations before and after.

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My public speaking style and content draws from a combination of my childhood, my personal story with drugs and alcohol, and a great desire to help others overcome similar struggles, and possibly avoid them all together. My talks focus on honest, open discussions on the topics of addiction, overdose awareness, harm reduction, recovery, and wellness, through my own story of a complex childhood full of family mental illness, suicide, eating disorders, drama, and addiction.

What do you speak about?

That depends on you, the audience! My public speaking topics can be customized to meet the needs of the event/audience. I will always share my personal story, and speak through the lens of my lived experience, as well as a healthcare professional with 18+ years of experience, training, and success. My format is told through the lens of my own experience, with a focus on “why” one takes that first drink or drug. I share about my childhood, family, the evolution of my alcohol and drug use, where it took me, and I openly and loudly dispel myths and break stigmas about addiction, so those listening learn they no longer need to suffer in silence. I am NOT a medical professional, I do not diagnose individuals, but I am an advocate and resource, and the purpose of speaking out loud about addiction is so others no longer have to suffer in silence.

What do you charge for speaking engagements?

If you are requesting me to speak to your organization, committee meeting, facilitated group, or 12-Step meeting, there is no fee. I can only keep what I have, by giving it away.


The only time I request a speaker fee is when I am asked to present to a large audience, seminar, or organized event. I speak for 90 minutes, which includes 60 minutes of speaking to an audience, with 30 minutes of discussion and Q&A. I also charge a per diem fee for travel costs. Speaker fees are outlined during the FREE discovery call, and our based on the speaking engagement type.

How do we contact you for a speaking engagement?

You can complete the Speaker Request Form on the website, email me directly at or call the office 978-887-2380.

I recover out loud, so others don't suffer in silence!

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